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Looking for projects inspiration? I like exploring Internet of Things (IOT) projects. Using different Microcontroller Unit (MCU) and protocols and coming up with my own solutions. As such I enjoy programming in C++, Javascript, Python, HTML etc.

RFID Database Security System Design
RFID Database Security System Design

Arduino RFID Database Security System

In this article we are going to discuss the designing process of our Arduino Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Database Security System Project. This will walk you through the way I design my own RFID Project that connects to the database to verify if an RFID tag is allowed or not.

ESP32 Robot Car Websocket Diagram
ESP32 Robot Car Using Websocket

ESP32 Robot Car Using Websocket

In this post, I am going to share how I created my own ESP32 Robot Car using Websockets. 

esp-01 with arduino

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This article discusses how we can program ESP8266 ESP-01 module using the Arduino IDE.

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